Saturday, May 23, 2009

OfcourseIdo, why not?

That's how my son says it, it sounds like one word. He says it so fast, so frequently, so enthusiastically, it still makes me laugh every time.


Me: John, would you like some lechita (soy milk)?
John: OfcourseIdo, why not?!

Me: Do you want to go outside?
John: OfcourseIdo, why not?!

Me: Do you want to give mommy a hug?
John: OfcourseIdo, why not?!

I don't know how he learned to say that, but I'm grateful for the laughs.


  1. Lovely sweet sentence. Our youngest (age 2) is adding words to his vocabulary every day. His latest is "buuuut" for bug. He tends to attach a "t" on the end of words. We're enjoying this stage immensely.

  2. Pretty cute Bonnie, I personally hope I never forget all the cute things they say when they are little and the ring of a little kids voice.
